7 days of spring break with 7 ways to spruce up the snacks you may already have sitting in your pantry during spring break. THE KIDS ARE HOME. Eat fun :P
First up is the peeps nest popcorn I made for my school kids!
This is obviously so easy, right? Ok I LOVE everything in this bowl. PEEPS! Yum. M&MS! Yumm. POPCORN! Yummm. I wanted to do a little kiddy gourmet popcorn for the last day before spring break for my Kids Choice kids and there ya go. Inspired me to get crazy with my other snacks at home for my boys this week. YESSSS.
Here's some things you will need to make this quick, fun treat for your kids this week. Of course, you can add whatever you like in yours! I picked these things to make it so springy cute. Put what you want. Go for it.
Throw your bag of light green candy melts in a large ziplock bag. DO NOT seal. Lay in microwave and heat at 50% power for 30 second intervals. After each 30 second interval, squeeze the bag and squish all the wafers to get them all melty and combined.
It could take a few minutes to get it to look like this. You could also melt in a container if you want and pour it in the bag. But lazy wins this time and I don't want another bowl or spoon to clean ;)
During the 30 seconds your candy is melting quick fill your bowls of popcorn! It's a race! jk, this looks like I'm feeding an army. I was, about 40 kids! So anyway, get your popcorn ready in the bowls while waiting for the candy melts to cooperate.
Cut a small hole in the bag and get ready to drizzzzzle and sprinkle. YUM.
ps look how purty those m&ms look. aww.
So easy the kids can do it and they might fight you for that bag of melted chocolate to squeeze on their own popcorn and in their mouths too. HAHA. Drizzle all over the popcorn as little or as much as you like.
While the chocolate is still wet throw on your M&Ms so they stick to it. YUM again. Then just squirt a blob over each one for a nice little place for your peep to sit.
Just like this! All happy and safe in their nest. Til its feedin time! HA!
Enjoy your spring break peeps nest popcorn!
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